All in for Arts: He waka toi e eke noa nei tātou is back. We’re coming to a town near you to celebrate and amplify the ways New Zealanders are using creativity to enrich their lives.

The Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi and Creative New Zealand Toi Aotearoa are bringing leaders, decision makers, artists and creative champions together to amplify the arts, and uncover how creativity can propel us forward. These breakfast events are free, and everyone is welcome – even if you haven’t felt creative in years!

Five speakers, five perspectives, five short and sharp rounds - all over coffee and kai.

Our mission is to energise and engage New Zealanders around the powerful potential of creativity. Be in the room to find out what it’s all about!

This journey is backed by Creative New Zealand, Chartwell Trust, and powered by our media partner, Stuff.

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